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Consultancy AEO, proceeding and customs regime

HIDALGO & DE MIGUEL ABOGADOS, S.L.P. advise you in order to obtain the status of Autorished Economic Operator.
1st. In January 2008 was created the figure of Autorished Economic Operator (AEO). In a changing world where security in international commerce play a crucial role, with an increase and facilitation of commerce, customs play a new role in matter of “international security”.


Consultoría OEA

Consultoría OEA

In order to face this new mission, It has been adopted legal decisions consisting on encouraging risk analysis in customs controls, the anticipation of information, and the creation of  the figure of Autorished Economic Operator (AEO). This figure involves the cataloguing by Administration as reliable operator in the international trade chain. The idea is simple, a priori, if we get the goal of establishing a selection procedure which ensure reliability of selected operators, customs office will be able to devote additional effort to the rest of operator, who will represent a greater rate of risk.
The status of Economic Autorished Operator is a bilateral business: The operator open up the company to customs office and in exchange the latter provide benefits to the former.
Are enable to be AEO all the participants in the international supply chain of goods (manufacturers, exporters, carriers, storekeeper, customs officers…) the more AEO participate in an operation the greater facilities will be provided by the customs office.