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Franchise consultancy

The franchises are systems of commercial organization that has grown up during last years. With this kind of agreements we get the development of brands that ensure a stable quality, cutting down the cost of new-customers-searching and establishing great networks more economical than the own structures.


Consultoría en franquicias

Franchise sector has billed during 2010 a total of 24.651 millions of euros, and during 2011 a total of 26.351 millions of euros. It means that franchise sector has grown up a 6,5% during year 2011, being it very important taking in account the economic situation. Furthermore, franchise system generates 240.713 jobs, representing it an increment of 3,8% in comparison to 2010.
This business model allows your company to be present at numerous places, incrementing its production, with minimum costs, which would be assumed by the franchised, with the firm belief that, with our actual economic scenery, this model represent an undeniable opportunity of growth and a consolidated alternative to the traditional business model.
HIDALGO & DE MIGUEL ABOGADOS, S.L.P. has a large experience not only in matter consultancy for development, distribution and expansions of franchises, but also in franchise formation and implementation of the business model.
Our extensive experience let us provide a comprehensive consulting for each type of business in relation with the legal requirements and the elaboration of a business plan.